Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Human Resource Selection for Social Networking -myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theHuman Resource Selection for Social Networking. Answer: There are various types of selection process being available to select the most suitable candidates in the organization. Hindustan Lever should use psychometric testing and aptitude tests (Vander Elst, De Witte and De Cuyper 2014). This will help them in identifying the hidden talents among the candidates. For instance, psychometric testing will help in determining the mentality and the mental approach of the candidates towards a certain situation. This will help the organization to understand how effective will be the particular candidate in dealing with certain organizational challenges. On the other hand, aptitude test should also be incorporated in order to test the knowledge domain and the intelligence of the candidates (Alfes et al. 2013). Thus, it will help the organization to have intelligent candidate with having proper and exact domain knowledge in place. Moreover, it is also suggested that different selection process should be used in order to test the diverse abilities of the candidates. The key objective of screening of the application form of the employees is to determine the brief overview about them. This is important due to the reason that, prior to the interview process, brief information about the candidates should be with the interviewers in order to have proper discussion in the further stage (Nikolaou 2014). Without having any prior information about the candidates, it will be difficult for the interview panel to have a proper discussion with the candidates. Moreover, screening of the applicants will be more beneficial due to the reason that it is helping Hindustan lever in filtering out the ineligible candidates from the first process only. Interview is being advertised based on certain educational qualification and thus, screening of the applicants will help to match the criteria of organization with that of the candidates. The first introductory round is getting completed with the screening process only (Janghorban, Roudsari and Taghipour 2014). In the case study it is stated that a round of preliminary interview is being taken by the Hindustan lever before the final round of interview. The key objective of taking the preliminary round of interview is to filtering the available candidates before selecting them for the final interview (Kallio et al. 2016). In most of the cases, final round of interview is being taken among the most eligible candidates. Thus, in order to determine the eligibility of the candidates, a preliminary round of interview is conducted. On the other hand, it also enables the candidates to have the brief idea about the policies and opportunities of the company. This will further help the candidates to discuss with the top level manager in the final round of interview. In addition, sometime a single round of interview cannot effectively determine the talents and skills of the candidates, which further lead to the initiation of the preliminary round of interview in order to gain deeper idea about the cand idates. Initiation of the preliminary round of the interview helps both the interviewers and the candidates to have the fair idea about others and it leads to the effective and proper discussion in the final round of the interview. The ideal size of the group should not be more than 5 candidates. This is due to the reason that, group discussion should not be continued for a longer period of time because the more will be the time given; the more will be the deviation from the core topic of the discussion (Kim 2013). In addition, having given more time for the group discussion may create difficulties among the candidates in having newer ideas to discuss. Thus, having maximum 5 members in a group will make sure that everyone will get enough time for speaking and the total time for the discussion will also not get more than projected. Having maximum 5 members for the group discussion will also ensure that the moderator will be able to determine the talents of each one of them (Rose et al. 2015). In this case, if the group member is more than five, then it will be difficult for the group moderator to determine and identify the talents, skills and abilities of each of the members. There are various forms and formats of conducting group discussion. In the given case study, it is stated that Hindustan lever have the policy of providing the case in advance to the candidates before the starting of the group discussion. This is due to the reason that, providing the case in advance to the candidates will help the interviewers to determine the thought process of the candidates. After providing the case to the candidate, a certain time is given to them to go through the case and to come up with their response during the discussion. Thus, the interviewers will be able to determine the approach of the candidates towards the case issue give and how they are presenting their thoughts to others (Stanujkic, Djordjevic and Karabasevic 2015). Their logical skills will also get determined from it. This is reason behind providing the case in advance to the candidates. The thought process and approach of decision making in the time of the group discussion will reflect how effect ively the candidates will be able to initiate decision making skills in the real world situation. There are various sources of the information from where key information regarding the candidates is being gathered for the final interview. The diverse will be the source of information; the more will be the knowledge of the interviewers about the candidates. The key information that is required for the personal interview is the brief introduction about the particular candidate. This is being gathered from the preliminary round of the interview. The brief introduction of the candidates helps the interviewers in dealing with them accordingly (Wilton 2014). Another information for the candidates gathered from the screening of the candidates. This information helps the interviewers during the personal round of interview in having the knowledge about the educational qualification and professional experience of the candidates. Thus, the information on the basis of which the personal interview is conducted is the education qualification, professional experience and the skills of the candid ates being gathered from the different process of selections. Reference Alfes, K., Shantz, A.D., Truss, C. and Soane, E.C., 2013. 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